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Decoupled Drupal Days

New York 2018

Progressive decoupling

The why and the how

Silver sponsors

Gold sponsors

Diamond sponsors

Session & contribution time co-sponsors

  • The most stressed person in the room
  • First time speaker
Blazej Owczarczyk

PHP & Javascript Developer

Amazee Labs
On for 9 years 12 months
decopuled projects in

React & Vue.js
contributing to

core, GraphQL, and ...
Progressive decoupling
The why
  • Do whatever needs to be done
Fully decoupled


  • Best possible performance
  • Stellar user experinces
  • Do whatever needs to be done
No compromises
with great power comes great
  • Easy tasks become complex


  • Extremly potent
  • Secure
  • Pluggable
  • States system
  • Ajax system
  • Well defined validation - submission flow
  • Validation out of the box
  • Huge component libray, eg. text, email, number, file, entity reference
  • There are no js tools that can be compared to FAPI.
  • Validation and submission need to be implemented from scratch.
  • All the forms need to be built from scratch, even those that drupal handles well.
  • The more entity references the harder the implementation is.
✖ Forms API
  • Views are so good.
  • We are so used to them that we may underestimate the underlying complexity.
  • We're used to the fact that a table listing with paging, exposed filters, click sorting and bulk operations takes a few dozen clicks.
  • Implement the table template from scratch.
  • Add markup for the exposed filters form.
  • Then fetch the initial data with the number of pages and allowed values for exposed filters.
  • Implement a pager.
  • Implement the url parsing logic to get the current page and values for exposed filters.
  • Check which colums are sortable, turn then into links and pass the sort order to the query.
✖ Views
  • Ok when the frontend and the backend share top parts of the domain.
  • No untrusted apps should share it.
  • If not - OAuth.
  • Simple OAuth works fine.
  • Hard to implement securely on frontend (SSR, refreshing tokens).
  • Drupal spoils us.
  • Once we learn the abstractions we become extremly efficient.
  • Lost when going fully decoupled.
  • Sometimes there are no alternatives, eg. mobile apps.
  • However, for web projects we can use...
❤ Drupal ❤
Progressive decoupling
  • Front end frameworks are really easy and intuitive when building components.
of both worlds
  • Login
  • Content editing
  • Existing functionalities
Drupal when you need it
  • Many possibilities.
  • Few examples
decoupled when it makes sense
  • Front end frameworks are really easy and intuitive when building components.
  • decreases page load time (drastically)
  • improves perceived performance
  • reduce webserver's network traffic
data from external sources
  • decoupling makes it easy to test
  • don't even use oAuth
  • requires CORS
rich, testable UIs
  • easy to integrate
  • swap one page or block without touching the rest of the site
existing projects
The how
  • the easiest way to decouple for drupalers
  • use graphql to fetch data
  • render in twig
no js
easy setup
enable graphql_twig
  • declare data dependencies in the template file
  • isolated and self-contained templates
  • power to the themer


{#graphql  query {
    user:currentUserContext {

  Hi { }, good to see you again.
progressive by nature
declare data dependencies using GraphQL

in any twig template
  • maintainer of the GraphQL module
  • really cool guy
  • he can sing, at least it looks like so
Created by Philipp Melab

Modern JS
  • ECMAScript 2015
  • revolutionary changes
Deconstructing assignment
    const { width, height, depth } = product.dimensions
Property shorthand
  const person = { firstName, lastName }
Spread syntax
  const order = { ...customer, ...address }
  • js finally joined the family of laguages supporting default parameters
Default parameter values
  const getProperty = function (object, property = 'value') {
  return object[property]
  • not only syntax
  • inherits this from the parent scope
Arrow functions
  const getArea = (dims) => dims.width * dims.height
... with lexical this
  this.cartItems.forEach(item => { += item.cost
  class Rectangle extends Shape {
  constructor (id, x, y, width, height) {
      super(id, x, y)
      this.width  = width
      this.height = height
class Circle extends Shape {
  constructor (id, x, y, radius) {
      super(id, x, y)
      this.radius = radius
// Example from
  • Multiline
  • inherits this from the parent scope
Template literals
  const greeting = `Hi ${firstName} ${lastName}`
  • ECMAScript 2016
  • not very revolutionary
  • the exponentiation operator **
  • Array.prototype.includes
  • ECMAScript 2017
  • just one feature, but a powerful one
  • The evolution of async code
ES5 - callbacks
  url: '',
  success: function (person) {
      url: person.homeworld,
      success: function (planet) {
        setHomeworld(person, planet)
ES6 - promises
.then(response => response.json())
.then((person) => {
  .then(response => response.json())
  .then((planet) => {
    setHomeworld(person, planet)
  • No callback hell
  • No nesting
  • Looks like sync code
  • Readable
  • Implemented using generators
ES8 - async/await
  const personResponse = await fetch('')
const person = await personResponse.json()

const planetResponse = await fetch(person.homeworld)
const planet = await planetResponse.json()

setHomeworld(person, planet)
  • Since 8.4
Drupal core now using ES6 for javascript development
  • It was designed for drupal core
✔️ core
  • It was designed for drupal core
✖ contrib
  • It was designed for drupal core
✖ custom
  • use package.json from core
  • postponed because of a bug in babel-cli
  • may work (it did at some point)
[#2957390] Use ES6 for contrib and custom JavaScript development
  • Transpilation is not a silver bullet
  • Adding npm packages is tedious
  • It needs to be easy if we want people to start contributing
npm dependencies?
recipe for
  • requires vue-cli
  • vue is just a folder name
Initialize a vue project
  cd my_module
vue create vue
Define a dynamic library
        function hook_library_info_build()
  • add the bundle from webpack dev server to drupal
  • drupal becomes a webpack dev server
  • page reloads when changes to the files are detected
Connect with the dev server
  yarn serve # starts a dev server on port 8080
  $library['js']['http://localhost:8080/app.js'] = [
  'type' => 'external',
  • it's best not to commit dist
  • build for production in a deployment step
  • include the files from dist in production environment
  • the flow is similar in react
Build for prod
  RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile && yarn build
  file_scan_directory($dist_path, '/^.*\.js$/')
        cd my_module
yarn create react-app react
  • possible thanks to the api first initiative
  • read-only data
  • ok for simple widgets
  $library['dependencies'][] = 'core/drupalSettings';
  • guided product selection
  • redirects to a view with facets pre-set
  • built in react
  • zero-latency navigation
  • this is what the users are expecting
  • alternative to core REST and JSON API
  • Reading and querying content entities out of the box
  • Mutations need to be implemented
  • Quite convenenient in general
  • pre-configured package
Install apollo-boost
  yarn add apollo-boost graphql
  • No configuration needed
  • /graphql is the default endpoint
Import it
    import ApolloClient, { gql } from 'apollo-boost';
const client = new ApolloClient();
  • Fetch everything you need in one simple query
  • Picture is a separate entity
  • Nesting level limited by memory limit
  • Response format defined by the query
Have fun!
  const query = gql`
  query {
    user: currentUserContext {
      ... on UserUser {
        picture: userPicture {
const result = await client.query({ query })
const pictureUrl =
Chrome debugger
  • Sources panel is an IDE
  • Exclude framework files from stack traces
  • Component inspector with props and computed props
  • Vuex panel with the current state tree, list of mutations and import / export
  • Event panel with all the emitted vue events
  • Component inspector
developer tools
  • List of queries executed on the current page
  • Run queries in an embedded GraphiQL
developer tools
  • How can we make it easier?
  • Define a central package.json of npm packages, like composer.json
  • Integrate webpack into the library system in core?
make it

released two hours ago :)
Setup: download the module
        composer require drupal/webpack
add package.json to repository root
        yarn init -yp
add webpack's npm dependencies
        yarn add webpack webpack-serve
declare your library...

  webpack: true
    my_library.js: { }
...add npm dependencies...
        yarn add graphql apollo-boost
...and use them is js your code

import ApolloClient, { gql } from 'apollo-boost';

const client = new ApolloClient();
const query = gql`query { currentUserContext: { name } }`;
const result = await client.query({ query });
const name =;

alert(`Hello ${name}! Good to see you.`);
add babel

composer require drupal/webpack_babel
yarn add babel-core babel-loader
const recipient = 'Internet Explorer';
alert(`Hello ${recipient} :)`);
local development
          drush webpack:serve
...with live reload

building on a server
        yarn webpack:build
How does it work?
dynamic config
based on drupal libraries

module.exports = {
  "entry": {
    "module-library-file": "/path/to/module/js/test.js",
  "output": {
    "filename": "[name].bundle.js",
    "path": "/path/to/project/sites/default/files/webpack",
extendable with plugins
(contrib modules)

class SplitChunks extends ConfigProcessorBase {

  public function processConfig(&$config) {
    $config['optimization']['splitChunks']['chunks'] = 'all';

alterable with a hook

function custom_webpack_config_alter(&$config) {
  if (getenv('LAGOON_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE') == 'development') {
    $config['mode'] = 'development';
coming soon


Question time
  • If you have questions or just want to talk
  • The link to slides is on my twitter

Bonus time?
  • Only if there is a reason for that
  • eg. performance is critical and there is budget
Should this next project be fully decoupled?

Use a spacebar or arrow keys to navigate.
Press 'P' to launch speaker console.